If you ask any runner why he or she is running, that person would not be able to give you an immediate answer. The reason is simple. Running is a multi-faceted activity that it is not easy to come up with an easy answer or a single reason for running. The thought processes that motivate a person to run are endless. They could be philosophical, unique, intriguing, insightful, and special, if we explore deep into the reasons for running. Most running would only say that they feel exhilarated when running regularly and feel bad and depressed when they are unable to run.
Before you decide why you are running, you should understand the fundamental truth about running or any other physical activity or exercise. All of them are intended to make you fit, healthy, and strong, with more energy to attend to your daily activities. At the same time, fitness is something that always remains a temporary phenomenon. You could not store fitness somewhere and draw from it whenever you need it like money in bank. Further, the physical fitness, good health, and weight loss achieved by you after months of running could be lost completely in a few weeks, if you remain inactive. As such, once you start running, in a way, you are forced to continue that habit on a permanent basis. This is where most people fail, since they do not sustain the momentum.
Most runners feel that running makes them highly sensitive to the exact condition of each and every part of their body. They feel even minor changes in their bodies, with particular awareness on reduction in fitness or decay of any body part. Running makes you a better person today than what you were yesterday and this endless process continues with each passing day. The physical sensation of well-being, the mental relaxation, the self-esteem, and the self-confidence should be experienced personally if you are to understand the full benefits of running. You actually get the feeling that you are accomplishing something new everyday through running. You feel empowered in a special manner, when you realize the increase in the strength of your legs and other body parts. Your image gets a boost in your own eyes.
Majority of runners express that the reduction in physical and mental stress while running is tangible. As you keep running, your mind analyzes the problems in your life and usually comes up with appropriate solutions automatically. This is due to the fact that you take a look at the issues in your life as an outsider, while you are running. This helps you to arrive at unbiased decisions. The tension melts away without your being aware of it. Further, when you are angry or feel aggressive, the best answer is to run hard at high speeds. Your energy drain would bring you back to a calm frame of mind. These are some of the major reasons why people love to run and they never give up the running habit once they had started it. They find it difficult to live a life without running due to the immense advantages reaped by them through the running process. It is possible that you could come up with several other motives to run, if you do a fair self-analysis.
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