Monday, May 9, 2011

Be a Runner and Share Your Activities!

Share your running activity on social media and blogs. Share it with friends, family, and co-workers. To proclaim yourself as a “runner” will motivate you to prove everybody that you actually are one!

People who have started the habit of ‘running’ recently, require a lot of motivation to continue the habit. Normally, all of us start running with great enthusiasm but usually the interest tapers off within weeks and we turn from daily running to alternate days, then every third or fourth day. After that, once a week and finally we stop running altogether. This is due to lack of continuous motivation and inspiration for running.

Even regular ‘runners’ do need occasional motivation, since mood swings are normal for any human being. One sure way of keeping yourself motivated to continue your running habit is to broadcast to all those that you know about your running.

Normally, boasting is not considered good manners but in the case of running, boasting is actually beneficial. When you have bragged to all your family members, friends, colleagues and members of your blogs and social networking websites that you are a regular runner, you will find it very difficult to back off from running. It becomes a matter of prestige and self-esteem to keep running everyday. The feeling of apprehension that you will become the laughing stock of your family and acquaintances is a very power deterrent in your slackness or stopping of running. As such, proclaiming to all that you are a regular runner becomes a serious liability, forcing you to continue the habit for fear of being mocked by others.

Further, when you share your running activity with your family members, colleagues, personal friends and your new friends in social networking websites and blog websites, you definitely get a sense of pride and superiority. These feelings are strong motivating factors to continue your running. Moreover, the other runners in the above groups will share with you their experiences and will encourage you to keep running. This external motivation enhances the internal motivation. Your eagerness to prove that you are a stubborn and persevering individual will spur you to keep running regularly.

When you participate in blog and social networking websites about running, you get valuable tips from other runners about how they train, funny or interesting anecdotes of what happened during their run, their performances in races and lots of other useful tips on running. This kind of valuable information is a huge motivator for all the runners that part of such running blogs or networking websites.

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